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    Results 1-15 (650 total)


    A Child Is Born / Puer Natus Est (Cristobal de Morales)

    3-pt, ATB, Morales, Christmas, Introit, Isaiah 9, Luke 2, John 1

    A Child Is Born / Puer Natus Est (Cristobal de Morales)

    3-pt, SAT, Morales, Christmas, Introit, Isaiah 9, Luke 2, John 1

    Adorn Your Bridal Chamber / Adorna Thalamum Tuum (William Byrd)

    3-pt, ATB, Byrd, Marian, Procession, Candlemas, Presentation of the Lord, February 2

    A Light For Revelation / Lumen Ad Revelationem (Orlando di Lasso)

    SATB, 4-pt, Lassus, Candlemas, Presentation of the Lord, February 2, Luke 2

    Alleluia / Alleluia (G. P. da Palestrina)

    SATB, 4-pt, Palestrina, Ordinary Time, Easter, Canon

    Alleluia, Praise and Glory / Alleluia Laus et Gloria (Orlando di Lasso)

    SSAA, TTBB, 4-pt, Lassus, Easter, Revelation 19

    Alleluia, Praise and Glory / Alleluia Laus et Gloria (Orlando di Lasso)

    ATTB, Lassus, 4-pt, Easter, Revelation 19

    Alleluia, Praise and Glory / Alleluia Laus et Gloria (Orlando di Lasso)

    4-pt, SATB, Lassus, Easter, Revelation 19

    Alleluia, Praise and Glory / Alleluia Laus et Gloria (Orlando di Lasso)

    4-pt, Lassus, SAAT, Easter, Revelation 19

    All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed / Beatam Me Dicent (Orlando di Lasso)

    2-pt, SA, TB, Lassus, Assumption, Marian, Communion, Advent, Advent 3-B, Luke 1

    All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed / Beatam Me Dicent (Orlando di Lasso)

    2-pt, AT, Lassus, Advent, Communion, Marian, Assumption, Advent 3-B, Luke 1

    All Glory Be / Allein Gott (Michael Praetorius)

    2-pt, SS, TT, AT, SA, TB, Christmas, Praetorius

    All Glory Be / Allein Gott (Michael Praetorius)

    2-pt, SA, TB, AT, Christmas, Praetorius

    Allleluia! His Disciples / Alleluia! Cognoverunt  (William Byrd)

    4-pt, SATB, Byrd, Ordinary Time, Corpus Christi, Easter, Alleluia, Easter 3, John 6, Luke 24, OT 20-B, Eucharistic, Communion, OT 32

    All the Ends of the Earth / Viderunt Omnes (Angelo Bertalotti)

    2-pt, AT, Christmas, Communion, Bertalotti, Psalm 98, Graduale Simplex, Canon